Monday 7 November 2011

A Taste Of Adventure Racing And It Was Delicious!!!!

Greg and I don’t get many chances to race together so when an adventure race in Otaki was advertised, we jumped at the opportunity.  The first thing we discovered about adventure racing is that you need a lot of things, equipment and a fantastic support crew.  We enlisted Danielle and her parents who did a fantastic job!
Map given to competitors
Race briefing and registration, which involved a very thorough equipment check was held Friday evening. The organisation was superb to get over 60 teams checked so quickly.  At the briefing we were told where the race would start and that’s all we knew.

Lemans start
Saturday morning, we arrived just in time to receive our map and supporters pack.  We quickly assembled our bikes and headed off down to the river for a Lemans start.  I really like these types of races, lots of people in board shorts, sneakers and borrowed gear, all there just to give it a go.
At the back again

We thought we got off to a good start but judging by the number of people we passed in the early stages of the MTB we obliviously didn’t.  The mountain bike course was on a private farm, one big loop to the top of the ridge, along then down.  We soon discovered unless you are absolutely sure where you are going, which we weren’t, it doesn’t pay to be near the front.  As we reached the highest point a few teams were standing there trying to figure out which way to go.  After a few minutes of discussion, people headed off in all directions; luckily we went the right way.  It only took a quick glance back to realise all the effort we put in to pass people on the way up was lost with a solid line of riders following.  The ride finished with a neat down hill and time trial up the gorge road to T1.

Running along the river
The second stage was the run.  We started off running along the river to two different check points, then headed straight up the face of a hill/mountain to the top of the ridge. 
We happened to be at the right place at the right time as we were able to take advantage of following some other groups as they bush bashed their way up. Once at the top, it was a leisurely run along the ridge on a DOC track then down to T2.

Perfect shot Greg!
Danielle and her parents had all our gear laid out so it was a quick transition and off to the second challenge - gumboot throwing into our tubes before we started our tubing adventure.  Greg was spot on, I missed.  For every person that missed, the team had to sit in the penalty box for three minutes.  Bad luck if you were a 4 person team and all missed.

In the penalty box

The tubing was the highlight for me, we were neck and neck with three other teams as we 
This is the way to race!!!
entered the river.  Most people were happy to straight line it across the river bed but I chose to stay on my tube and enjoy the ride.  At the end of each set of major rapids were life guards in case anything went wrong.  They were surprised so many people were walking.  It soon became apparent, big tube = fast in the water but hard to carry across the rocks and a smallish tube = slower in the water but easier to carry across the rocks.
Possible short cut

Greg was able to dig deep and we came off the river in front of the other teams we started the tubing with to finish in 5:13hrs.  Overall it was a fantastic event and a great way to spend a Saturday.

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